Golden State Opportunity proudly supports California’s Proposition 6 and Proposition 32, two critical initiatives that advance justice, fairness, and economic stability for all Californians.

Proposition 6

For too long, California’s history includes the legal exploitation of forced labor, especially in the criminal justice system. Proposition 6 seeks to close the loophole in the state’s Constitution that still allows involuntary servitude for incarcerated individuals. This practice not only exploits prison labor–where inmates earn less than 74 cents an hour– but also depresses wages for all workers by allowing for-profit companies and the state to benefit from this forced labor for low pay system. By ending this practice, incarcerated people would have the opportunity to choose to work for fairer wages or to focus on their rehabilitation, both of which would better prepare them for successful reintegration into society. Supporting Prop 6 gives everyone a chance at a better life and fairer wages.

Proposition 32

All people deserve a decent standard of living, with access to food, housing, and healthcare that is supported by wage rates that reflect the cost of these necessities in our state.  Proposition 32 seeks to raise California’s minimum wage to $18, reflecting the rising cost of living.  Many low-wage workers and their families are living in poverty and facing housing insecurity and hunger. 

Voting YES on Prop 32 will move California closer to providing living wages to workers and better ensuring all Californians’ basic human needs are met.  We have consistently fought for economic justice, and raising the minimum wage is crucial to ensuring that all workers can meet their basic needs and thrive financially.

A YES vote on Prop 6 and on Prop 32 this November to help create a state that values dignity, fairness, and opportunity for all workers.

There’s a lot on the ballot this year, and sorting through the issues can feel overwhelming. GSO is spotlighting these two propositions because they are common sense solutions to the systemic  gap between wages and the cost of living.  That systemic gap perpetuates  the poverty and inhibits workers from living with the economic dignity they deserve.

Take Action

Take action, get informed, and make your voice heard this election. Visit trusted resources like the League of Women Voters’ for reliable, nonpartisan information, or explore the CalMatters 2024 Voter Guide for detailed analysis. The decisions we make today will have lasting impacts, so be sure you’re registered and ready to vote!


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