Take Action: Last chance to protect anti-poverty programs

This is our last chance to protect the programs that underpin the CalEITC and make it successful. We are in the final stages of negotiating next year’s budget, and we have to make sure there’s as much funding for CalEITC, the Young Child Tax Credit, and the Foster Youth Tax Credit outreach programs as possible.

These are some of our state’s most successful anti-poverty programs, and they are absolutely critical to helping struggling families across California afford the soaring costs of everyday basic necessities like food, housing, and child care. The most recent budget proposal from the legislature would increase CalEITC Outreach funding by $2 million from the $10 million proposed in the Governor’s May Revision.

Please urge Gov. Newsom to support the legislature’s proposal and to do everything in his power to ensure funding for investments in the CalEITC, Young Child Tax Credit and Foster Youth Tax Credit.